To give you an idea of what the GROWTH model incorporates, here are some of the reflections of the students in each category. (We are just exploring G, R, O and W).
Goal - What do you need to achieve?
- Axis - To Contribute to the team and help us move on to the second round.
- Riley - Self-Confidence - I need to be more confident if I'm speaking no matter how silly the script is. Communication - I think I need to think about how much everyone else is talking and is it on task.
- Johanna - I need to be more helpful by sharing more of my ideas.
Reality - What is happening now?
- Emma - We are working on spontaneous challenges. I am working on contributing my ideas. I have been giving attention to the teacher and listening.
- Riley - Training to solve problems within the group if someone does something not on the script. Understand others ideas and accept them.
- Kaija - I am working with my sister to improve my tolerance.
Options - What could you do?
- Maddi - to work with some of the people in class that are in the TOM group.
- Axis - I can attempt to work with my group outside of GATE. I can also contribute all mu skills to the group.
- Emma - I can listen to others and work with what they have asked me to do.
Will - What will you do?
- Johanna - We will assign jobs that best suit the person's strengths.
- Kaija - I will learn to sew and work with my sister more.
- Maddi - Understand the people and the different ways that everyone works.
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