Overheard throughout the session
"Oh. My. Goodness! I'm so excited - I have sooooo many ideas"
"I saw something on TV the other night thats fits this and sparks are flying"
(In response to someone's confusion.) "you need to have a little faith in yourself"
"I thought it might not be great this year but it's so cool, I have so many ideas."
*GASP* "Oooh, what about...."
"They are always telling us to bring real world problems into this so what about..."
"I feel very responsible having to look after this." (The team's paperwork)
"Ok, calm down and listen to ..."
Goal Setting
Yesterday I was very proud of our teams as they set their collaborative work goals. We use the GROWTH model of goal setting in Whakaaro. This works through the following points:Goal: What do we need to achieve?
Reality: What is happening now?
Options: What could you do to achieve your goal?
What: What are you going to do to help achieve your goal?
All three teams have identified goals around improving their focus, motivation and time management. They had some very mature perspectives on their strengths and weaknesses - and I really appreciated the trust and honesty shown as they acknowledged their own personal challenges. Each student has made a commitment to a be part of their teams goal. By committing, they have allowed their teammates to keep them accountable for that particular work characteristic.
These commitments included:
Prya: I will try and motivate our team to step out of our comfort zones.
Eric: I am going to calm down. I will listen to other people's opinions.
Charlotte: I need to speak up more.
Lejla: I need to let other people speak and then speak after them.
Louis: I can make sure that everyone stays calm and we don't get too crazy.
Jordan: I am going to be more confident when I say my ideas.
Ben: I am going to try and make jokes only when the time is right.
Lucy: I am going to assign a role or job to people who don't have anything to do so we use our time
really well.
Beau: I want to help us join our ideas together and commit to coming up with new ideas if we are
Jensen: I reckon I'll be doing props so I can get ideas to make those really great.
Meela: I can make sure everyone is included but also making sure their job is on task so it won't be
Elise: I'll try and make sure everyone is on task and support Lucy in leadership.
Josiah: I will make sure I complete the things I am given to do.
Olivia M: I am going to support and help people, encouraging them to be confident.
Olivia P: I am going to work on listening to other people's ideas so I can know what their approach
is...usually I don't listen as well as I talk.
Ella: I am going to help people, troubleshoot when jobs aren't working out well and try to shift
roles so people are happy.
Maia: I am going to be less judgemental about people's ideas.
Adiel: I am not going to instruct about things like a teacher, I'll talk about them more casually.
Ari: If someone is not paying attention I will gently remind them to listen.
Emma: I am not going to judge people's ideas, you never know, they might actually work.
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