
Monday, November 13, 2017

CREST - BP Technology

A number of students from Haepapa and Kahurangi are undertaking their Primary CREST awards this term, based on the challenges of the BP Technology scenarios.

We had our first session yesterday, looking at two challenges, creating stilts (to avoid poisonous plants) and creating a 'papminton' set, suitable for playing a game.  We had a lot of fun, there was some good collaboration developing and it was interesting to see the students engage with simple materials.  We began to look at how something as simple as paper can be used to create dense, strong structures.

Here are the goals we have set ourselves for the duration of this initiative.  We were thinking about what we need to work on in the areas of creative thinking and collaboration.

Callum - I need to share my ideas more confidently
Amelia - I need to work on problem-solving and be able to come up with a plan that will fix things and be better than the first idea
Hannah - My goal is to speak up and tell people if I have ideas and be confident in my ideas
Cameron - I need to improve on my problem solving - especially when things break and I don’t know how to fix them
Ben - I want to collaborate well - I can be bit bossy sometimes.
Rachel - I think I need to work on collaboration and not being bossy
Aidan - I want to work on my creativity and making new ideas
Lejla - I want to work on my creativity and get better at making the parts
Jack - I need to work on problem-solving by thinking of a back up plan if my plan I was sticking to, fails.
Prya - I need to work on my collaborating cos usually I just use my ideas and not theirs and I need to.

Images from the morning's work...

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