Hamiora McLean
My favourite part of my house is my TV because it is huge - gigantic! I didn't have room for a bed so I sleep on the couch.Problems - My back door opens into my stove - that was badly placed, I have a big window in my bathroom and part of my TV goes into the bathroom.
Modifications for next time;
- I would not put the stove in front of the back door
- I would add a bed
I think it would be quite hard to live in a house this little - you just can't fit in enough stuff. I would add more drawers.
Wairangi Galloway
Problems - I drew my fridge the wrong way and put it on the floor. I should have put it on the wall.
I forgot a bathroom wall so my toilet is in the lounge. My TV is a bit crooked.
Modifications for next time;
- I would change my windows next time. I would put them close to the doors and make them bigger.
- I would make a bathroom wall.
- I would move my bed away from the window.
I think it would be pretty hard to live in a tiny house. You have less space - not much storage space. I wouldn't like to try it - I'm fine with my house. It would be good for a couple that is old because old people don't have many things in their house - they don't take up much space. Young people have heaps of toys and heaps of clothes.
Weston Morrah
My favourite part of my house is the fact that the couch is lined up with the TV. If you need to wake up in the night the bathroom is really close.
Problems - There isn't very much on the walls and my windows are a bit high.
Modifications for next time;
Problems - There isn't very much on the walls and my windows are a bit high.
Modifications for next time;
- I would change my window spacing
- I would add some more walls in and not keep it all open
- I would add more bushes and trees. This time I decided to just keep it all concrete.
I think it would be pretty hard to live in a tiny house - you wouldn't have much space to put everything. There isn't room for lots of drawers, or a very long table, or a huge TV. I think it would be ok with me to try and live in a tiny house - as long as I have a house in general.
Josiah Lo
My favourite part of my house is the half couch / half bed that I created. I like that when you wake up you can just roll onto the couch and watch TV. I like the hanging down mirror just beside the doorway. It looks pretty.
Problems - If someone walks in they could accidentally knock down the mirror and it could break.
Modifications for next time;
Problems - If someone walks in they could accidentally knock down the mirror and it could break.
Modifications for next time;
- I would have more windows. This time it was hard to picture the walls in my head so I didn't know where to put the windows.
I think it would be fun to live a tiny house for a short time. It would be hard to fit more toys in. It might be easy for my family if it was just for a short time.
Callum Swindells
My favourite part of my house is my dangling light on my roof. I also like my little gardens around the corner of my backyard.
Problems - I put the TV on the floor instead of on the wall. You can't really see my green pillows on my couch and there wasn't quite enough room for my fireplace - its a bit squished.
Modifications for next time;
Problems - I put the TV on the floor instead of on the wall. You can't really see my green pillows on my couch and there wasn't quite enough room for my fireplace - its a bit squished.
Modifications for next time;
- I would change my back door so it is not behind my couch
- I would make more room for the fireplace
- I would colour in my bushes a bit more.
I think it would be cool to live in a tiny house because then you can have more expensive stuff (because tiny houses cost less). You can have a couch that flips into a bed and you can get cupboards to hide things and have secret places to hide from robbers.