Our Tournament of Minds teams are really working hard this week. There is just over a week until their completed movies have to be submitted so the MPS room is a hive of activity! Costumes being stitched and hot glued, sets and props being designed and painted, paperwork being developed and scene blocking starting. There is a really great energy in our work spaces - the teams are focussed, a little anxious, but speaking kindly to each other under pressure and being very generous with their support of each other. There is a lot to juggle with some students being involved in DanceNZmade and the Epro8 Challenge so its a real pressure point - and they are all rising to the challenge so very well!
Monday, August 31, 2020
Monday, August 24, 2020
Positive Positives!
Really exciting this week to hear the teams identify the strengths they are observing in their teammates. Each person had to identify the traits that are contributing to their success. With two and half weeks to go, there is time pressure and many of the students are working hard in multiple arenas. I was actually very proud of them all for being able to see these strengths in each other - it means they are really taking note and supporting each other.
Have a read and be impressed!
(These are unedited - genuine honest thoughts and praise!)
Ben Haughey: "He has worked hard to learn new skills and is so keen to contribute ideas. Ben knows lots about a lot of things and we have used so many of his ideas."
Lucy Bowles: "She has been a great boss and has been telling us what to do and how to do it and it’s really helped us get through tough times."
Josiah Lo: "He is really good at finding ideas. When he gets ideas he works really well with them."
Meela Cole: "She knows what everyone needs to do - if anyone doesn’t have something to do she can find us something to help the team."
Elise Fouhy: "She has been helpful with the props and helped keep the team members focussed."
Beau Kennedy: - "He’s got really creative ideas and when he gets good ideas he sticks with them and they become main ideas for our team because they are creative and really good."
Jensen Best: "He always has a good laugh but he’s sometimes serious which is good because you need people who can laugh but can also be serious."
Adiel Ngirazi.: "He is very smart and if we ask him to do something he will do it. He is very good at doing the art stuff and editing the script."
Ari Bennett: "He’s been getting good at getting out of his comfort zone and he’s doing more work - he’s getting used to doing different things and he’s working really hard."
Ella Michie: "She is good at ideas.... she is good with costumes and script ideas...... she has LOTS of ideas for different things but she still includes others. She’s a good collaborator."
Maia Pou: "She is creative and good at working with other people, good at getting things done. She knows how to manage without being bossy."
Emma Needham: "Whenever we have a job that needs to be done, like our timeline today, she wasn’t hesitant to do it - she said “ I’ll do that”. She’s committed and doesn’t give up when something gets hard."
Olivia Persson: "I think Olivia is a real leader and she completes the team. When we are lost she knows what to do and she is the most experienced. She is useful, she can make costumes, write the script and she’s really open to everyones ideas. She likes to think of ways that join everyone’s ideas to make us all happy. She’s a really good asset."
Olivia Mildenhall: " She can do pretty much ANYTHING. If she gets told to do something, she goes and does it, costumes, script, props, she is flexible. She gives some good ideas too."
Lejla Arnautovic Wootton: "Lejla is good at doing a lot of fun things and helping our team feel better. She helps us keep on track and is helping us finish our script on time."
Louis Crawford: "Louis is giving us a lot of ideas and he carries us and does most of the stuff - in a good way. He’s always on task... unless something has happened."
Prya Simon: "Prya is really good at making the script really exciting and brings super good ideas out of the blue. She said a joke and it turned into part of our script."
Eric Wong: "He’s staying on task - it’s pleasantly surprising people a lot with how much he is doing..... and he contributes ideas. He’s there to work and be a good student."
Charlotte Burt: "She is always on task, she has contributed to most of the script which is useful. She has done most of the props etc and helped everyone - she’s a good all rounder."
Jordan Gulliver: "He is helping a lot with the creating and he’s gotten better with his collaboration skills."
Our teams hard at work....
Monday, August 10, 2020
Whakarongo Knowledgeable Nifflers
The team completed their goal setting today while starting the construction of their Stormproof Dog Kennel. Lucy, Max, Ben and Josiah showed strong collaboration skills and have set themselves the goal of achieving great teamwork, with all members contributing a 100% effort for the duration of the competition. With a build time of 4 - 5 hours, this is no mean feat!