
Sunday, May 24, 2020

Great to be back!

Well isn't is great to be back together again!  There are a few more guidelines to keep us all safe but we had a lot of fun reconnecting at Whakaaro last week.  Students from all pods worked on their Lockdown Treasures - I loved reading about their perspective.  I am so proud of well they have all done - their resilience has been great.

For the remainder of the term we will be breaking up into smaller groups.  Some students will be revisiting and completing their Community Heroes concepts.  Other students will begin preparing for this years Tournament of Minds and yet others will look at getting ready for an alternative Epro8 Challenge format in Term 3.  These next few weeks will rush by! 

This Thursday sees the beginning of our Maths Problem Challenge.  This is a national competition that is new to Whakaaro (the Navigator Centre used to be involved in it some years ago.  I'm looking forward to supporting the students who have opted into this new initiative.

We were treated to Isaac Lo playing his cantina for us last week - great to hear about the varied ways some students put their extra 'Lockdown Free Time' to good use!